Dry cleaning- The Essence

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Starch is bad for my shirts?

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Most cleaners offer different levels of starch to their shirts laundered. Usually the choice; No Starch, light Startch, medium and heavy. I recommend not choosing “starch” for several reasons.

1. Comfort-do not use starch on your shirt is much more convenient than using starch.Starch will make your shirt feel hard, can cause itching and it will prevent tissue respiration. Starch can be particularly uncomfortable in warm days because it blocks your sweat evaporation.

2. Wrinkle-starch will give your shirt smoother finish during acute, but as you move around during the day inevitably wrinkles becoming more pronounced. If you are using a heavy starch, by the end of the day, your shirts may be crinkly aluminum foil, looking finish.

3. Term of service-starch builds with repeated cleaning. This accumulation has fibre fabrics are too rigid, weak and fragile. Use of starch drastically reduces the expected life span of your shirts.

So is it possible to have a smooth, crisp shirts without using starch? Yes!In General, 100% cotton t-shirts to finish much smoother and crisper than poly blend fabric.The heavier fabric better if you love the smooth as silk finishing of your shirt, I recommend buying a thicker 100% cotton t-shirts and skip the starch.

Posts In the same categories: Explorer Clothing care tips, Laundry this entry was posted on March 25th, 2009 at 4: 26 pm and is filed under clothing care tips, Laundry you can subscribe via RSS 2.0 channel this post in the comments.

Tags: finish, underwear, shirts, starch

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Dry Cleaning

Written by dashingvalet657

December 1, 2010 at 1:28 am

Posted in Dry Cleaning

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